Scene From A Doc About Flamenco Dancers

This was part of a larger project we did for a high end audio company of a flamenco performance we produced in Madrid. We followed these musicians and dancers, most of whom had never worked together, as they rehearsed their way to the performance. The performances were magical. If you like flamenco music, you’ll love this.

The Schooner Ardelle

The Schooner Ardelle: the builing, launch & maiden voyage from Walker Creek Media, LLC on Vimeo.

Stills and HD video all shot with the iPhone4 of the building, launch and maiden voyage of the Schooner Ardelle, designed and built by Harold Burnham & Friends in Essex, Massachusetts. Using iPhone4’s, the Youbiq Gymbl, a handheld grip for shooting smooth video, and FilmicPro, an app used by many pros. Cameras: Nubar Alexanian & Rebecca Koch.

Categorized as Short Docs

Client: Youbiq, LLC, creators of The Gymbl for iPhone4/4s

Youbiq Gymbl for iPhone 4/4s from Nubar Alexanian on Vimeo.

We created this video for Youbiq, LLC to introduce their amazing new product, the Gymbl, a handheld grip that makes it easy to shoot smooth video and steady stills with an iPhone 4/4S. We shot all the live action footage with the iPhone4 using a Gymbl. Walker Creek Media was involved at every stage of development: from concept, through production, to editing and polishing the final video.